Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Visual Analysis

Keith Douyotas
English 112
Visual Analysis

            The title of the first visual is called “The Education System”. It is a factory with students entering through one side with a book bag, and then exiting the other side with a diploma. There is a man with a big grin on his face saying “good”. On the side of the factory there are pipes that are labeled, Intelligence, Discipline, and Creativity. Coming out of the pipes is garbage. My interpretation of this comic is students are going through the education system not learning anything, just having their time wasted. But, in the end they will get their diploma like everybody else. My main argument is that the school systems need to change the way their education system words. Students need to enter the school system with a mindset to want to learn, and in the end leave with Intelligence, Discipline, and creativity.
            The second comic I chose was called “American Education System”. It has a kid who is saying, “How is jumping through these supposed to give me an education”. There are three hoops labeled, math, English, and science. Lastly there is a teacher who is saying, “You’re lucky. They used to be a lot higher.” My interpretation of this comic is the kid doesn’t think taking English, Math, and science classes will help him get an education. The teacher says that the “hoops” used to be higher meaning the education system has become much more easier for students to get through the education system. My main argument is that the students aren’t really learning anything, and the teachers don’t really care either.
            Both of the comics I chose are related to the education system and how it is either not working, to easy to get through, or that the students are not learning anything that is useful for them in the future.

Comic #1

Comic #2

1 comment:

  1. taking a look at your first image, i began to see allot of truth in the image. many attend school only to be molded into what society wants them to be. doctors, lawyers, educators. but what about those who want to be artists or actors. we all seen at least one movie through out our life time,and at that several of us like movies. but unfortunatly in todays society actors are looked at as those individuals who were too dumb to go to school, yet we all love movies. it makes no sense to me!
