Monday, February 18, 2013


The writing into the day was a picture with all these different words. All the words were different sizes and had no apparent pattern. We were told to analyze the picture and write down anything we see. We then got into groups and shared what we have discovered. The different group members all shared what they found and told others what they missed or didn't notice. What we found out was that some of the words were more important than the others. We thought this because they were bigger than all the other words. Some of the bigger words were education and learning. But who knows, for all we knew it was just a picture with random words with no apparent connection or relation to each other.

1 comment:

  1. In the beginning of doing this exercise i thought the same thing its just a picture what could we possibly get out of looking at it. But while doing the assignment i started to understand how to analyze a picture and really break down each thing in the picture as much as i can. Your group and my group thought the same thing far as the size of the words were concern. I like how each group had something totally different from another group which made us look even closer to the picture!!
