Thursday, January 17, 2013

Seven Ways High School Prepares You for Failure

Responding to the Article:
I was thinking that this person doesn't like their English class, and how they didn't learn anything about writing in their High School English class.

Katelyn said: I agree. They also came up with some good advice for the next freshman in English. The writer gave the reader good pointers and words of advice of how things will start to change.

I responded: I think the advice and pointers were helpful too, and future students should listen to the advice.

1 comment:

  1. As I read the paper, I too got the idea that the person who wrote it didn't feel very satisfied with his or her english class. As you do i too believe that advice for future students should be listened too! In high school, what do you think is the most important thing to learn in an english class?
