Thursday, January 31, 2013

Schools in different social classes

Schools in different social classes are all very different from one another. The teachers either don't care and that is the same with the students. In the Affluent professional school students are able to think outside the box and have a little more freedom the other social class schools. 3 students are allowed out of class at the same time, unlike other schools where students aren't allowed out of class. Some of the activities the students did were writing and exchanging a letter in hieroglyphics, and studying ancient civilization. The students are able to work independently because they are not limited by rules.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ideal testing system

I believe the Ideal testing system would be a test is scored based on how the student answers the question, rather than if he/she is wright or wrong. It would still be written questions but just scored differently.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Seven Ways High School Prepares You for Failure

Responding to the Article:
I was thinking that this person doesn't like their English class, and how they didn't learn anything about writing in their High School English class.

Katelyn said: I agree. They also came up with some good advice for the next freshman in English. The writer gave the reader good pointers and words of advice of how things will start to change.

I responded: I think the advice and pointers were helpful too, and future students should listen to the advice.