Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rhetorical Strategies

The article I found was called the "Why the Current Education System is Failing Future Generations: A Note From a Teacher". This article had some useful and informative information in it. I believe the thesis is "However, before we go making assumptions about the reasons for this barrier to learning, I have to mention that it has very little to do with the teachers at said schools; it has much more to do with the systematized testing that drowns out organic, curiosity-driven, energetic, and fun learning." I picked this sentence because the author states why the education system is failing. The organizational strategy for this article was listing reasons and then explaining them through out the article. The author separates the reasons into paragraphs. The main point of this article was to talk about  why the education system is failing. The stylistic technique used in this article was Parenthesis. The author used it a number of times to help the reader understand what she means.